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sticky stifles?

21 10:07:46

when bought @ 17, the vet said my qtr horse mare, Ginger had mild arthritis/still suitable for western pleasure. Ginger's canter is rough & we must clean both hind feet close to the ground because when we lift her hind feet 12" off the ground her legs seem to lock/spasm. She's been on Glucosoamine Chondroitin for 3 years.We took her for a chiro. adjustment last month & he started on her back & prescribed Nux Vomica & Arnica Montana pills. Ginger seemed agitated 2 days into the medication...we can lift her hind legs maybe 2" higher now.
1)should we go back for further adjustments?
2)If this will work on her hind qtrs, when should we see results & what would we see?
3)would working on cantering, collection, lead changes be painful?
4) are the prescribed pills safe/helpful?

Hi Molly,

Sounds like Ginger is an interesting case.  I wish you were in my neighborhood (SoCal)!  

To answer your questions:
1) Yes, I think adjustments will be key to her continued improved mobility.
2) You should see results in a couple days to a couple weeks.  It sounds like you *did* see some improvement.
3) It seems to me that cantering/collecting/changing leads would be the direction you want to go.  I don't think they'll be painful, but if they are, stop.  Give her some rest, maybe wait for another adjustment, and do it again.  It's what you *want* her to do, and you want her to do it pain-free, so keep moving in that direction.
4) They're homeopathic remedies.  They're extremely safe, and should be helpful - but you'd be the one to judge their effectiveness.  Very low dose, and very safe.

I'm here to answer more questions if you need me.  Good luck, and thanks for asking,

Dr Larry