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Pony jumping at an angle

21 9:46:38

Hi Amanda,

I have recently purchased a 14.2h pony for my son as a second pony.  She has a super jump and loves to do it.  However, I am noticing more that she tends to jump her fences ( aprox 1mtr - 1.10mtr ) at an angle, pulling to the right.  This results mostly in a dropped pole as she is not centred going over the jumps.  I have had both back and teeth checked and they are fine.  In your opinion, does this sound like a rider problem, or a problem with the pony ? , and do you have any suggestions on how we could sort the problem out.

I appreciate any advice you can give me

hi lisa,
this could eb from a few things. one it could be the rider is not preperly balance whan she jumps and lands. work more on balance and when your son goes to junmp make sure she in collected and centered herself. have him keep equal pressure on the reins and in his legs. you can practice this with ground poles and justmore colelctive riding. another thing it could be in her bacl,poll,sjoulders,or neck could eb out of place. you can call an equin chiropractor to readjust her. always check her legs before and after a lesson for heat. also check her hooves. even though she is not jumpiong that high she can still get leg problems. if you notice any heat just hose her legs off for about 10-15 minutes after a ride and make sure she is properly cooled out after each ride. if you still ahve problems with it after you have tried both of these then i would suggest you having a vet come out if it bothers you that much. he can do x-rays and ultrasounds on her legs to see if there are infact anything wrong with her legs. good luck with your son and pony.
amanda groff