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nasty ground manners

21 9:36:28

I have just purchased a 5 yr tb gelding. He seems really kind hearted but  has a few flaws. when put on the cross tie to groom, he switches his tail and wants to pick up his back leg like hes gonna kick me whenever i near his hind end. He also pins his ears and wants to bit at me. I don't think it is sens skin because he does it when i am simply trying to rub him to bond. I am not sure what to do can you please give me any suggestions? thanks, Jenn


You just got this horse and he's being very disrespectful towards you.  At his age, only 5, he's still young and is sort of at the teenaged boy stage.  He's testing you to see how much you'll tolerate and let him get away with.  

Do you have access to a round pen?  A smallish paddock will work if you block off the corners.  I use that yellow caution tape you can buy at hardware/home improvement stores in big roles.  I just lace it back and forth a bunch of times.  If you aren't familiar with round pen work I would get one of the DVD's on it.  Pat Parelli has put out some excellent ones.  Fascinating to watch the horse's as they are working with them.  Anyhow, put him through the 7 games that Pat has and he'll get a good attitude adjustment in the process.  And will definately help the 2 of you bond.  

In any event, don't accept this behavior from him.  I would fuss at him, shake his head with the halter, yell at him!  He needs a wake-up call here.  Just learn to read his body language to know how far you have to go with the reprimanding.  Treat him like you would a kid - he is one.  

He on't love you any the less, trust me.  Just like kids horses need to learn respectful behavior around people.  They need to be socialized.  If his ground manners were good when you went to see him before you purchased him, then he's being  bully.  If they were no different from now, then he's just not been taught good manners.   In either case, he simply needs to learn that you will not accept that behavior, ever.  Love him, spoil him (all mine are), but make sure that he respects you as well as loves you.  

Good luck with him.  
