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Mystery Mare

21 9:21:09


Bay Mare
Hi there, I was curious if you could help me out... I have an 18+ or - year old bay mare whom i have had for over 6 years. I purchased her from a riding facility who rescued horses. I was never told ( or never really asked) where she came from or WHAT she was. For years I have been trying to identify her breed, but have never truly been able it figure it out! I don't know if you know much about horse conformation or breed types, but I figured I would give it a go! She looks like she is part Arab in some instances - she carries her tail high, and has an arab-like neck, legs an feet. Her legs are short and slender, with small round feet, and muscular forearms. She is small (14.2 hh), but wide, stocky, and compact with a short neck and legs. Her hindquarters are small in general but wide for her body and very powerful, along with er chest which is narrow but well-muscled and very powerful. Her ribcage is the widest I've ever seen in a horse, giving her a huge abdomen (she looks permenantly pregnant), a wide, flat back, and a waddling look when she trots. Her head is large, long, and mule-like in appearance with a narrow nasal cavity and a apparent roman-nose and convex profile. She has large, kind, expressive eyes, huge, long ears, huge nostrils, and a big mouth. Her mane and tail are thick but do not grow very long, and her forelock is coarse, wavy, sticks straight out, and is "fluffy" and frizzy in appearance, like that of a pony. Sorry the pic I attached isn't that great - wish I could attach more but it's only letting me do one. I really appreciate your help! And if you can't come to any conclusions don't worry about it, I am asking more of in curiosity then anything! It would be nice to have an idea of what she might be :) Thanks so much!

hi hannah
she is mostly Arabian though she is not pure. given the fact that she is built up a little bit more them pure Arabians i think she may have quarter pony in her. more then likely she has a little bit of other breeds in her from her past grand parents. overall though i would just call her a half bred Arabian. she has all the characteristics of the breed and it is obvious that is mostly what she is made up of. she has a nice clean healthy coat. the dapples on her show that. keep up your good care with her.