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Swollen Knee

21 9:19:19

Hello Judi,

I live in Canada and I have a 20 year old Quarter horse mare. She has always been sound, (I got her a couple of years ago.) Before I got her she banged her knee on a cattle feeder and there has always been a small bump there. It however never gave her any trouble.

A couple weeks ago I noticed a large swelling on and above her knee. I watched it for a few days and it got no better or worse. I suspected arthritis so I put her on a joint supplement. It didn't seem to make much difference. It now has started to swell in her upper leg too and is almost a bumpy swelling in the upper leg.

She has been walking and trotting fairly good on it - even trotting around in the field a bit. However she is starting to favor it more and not wanted to walk as much when I'm leading her.

I have done cold hosing, DMSO and joint supplements. I called the vet and they recommended cold hosing and if it got no better to bring her in.

I may have to just take her in but I was wondering if you recognize this type of a swelling and could give me some ideas of what I might be dealing with.

There is not heat in it and she doesn't really flinch when I touch it. It is slightly squishy as well. I hope the picture shows up well.

And advice will be most appreciated!



Hi Kristine -

Thank you for including a picture with your question.  You are dealing with a pretty ugly knee.  I do not recognize this injury but I have completely disassembled a knee during lab work on a research project at Colorado State and I can tell you first hand that this joint is a very complicated one.  Several layers of bone and cartilage are involved.  Your horse may very well be dealing with complications from the cattle feeder incident.  Your question did not specify how long ago she came in contact with the feeder but it's possible that she fractured one of the many bones in that joint causing small bone fragments to dislodge and implant or damage nearby cartilage.  The swelling you described as "squishy" sounds like what's known as Pitted Edema.  You'll see this kind of swelling when there is an accumulation of fluid I'm sure this is ju in the surrounding area.  I'm sure this is just one of many possibilities and I'm afraid that I agree with you ... that you should go ahead and take her in for some good digital x-rays to find out exactly what it is your dealing with.  Cold hosing will never hurt but if there are bone fragments in there causing further damage to the soft tissues in the joint, the longer you wait to take her in, the more damage will be done.  I'd take her in sooner rather than later if it was my mare.  I'd love to hear what they find if you have the time to respond back.  Good luck to you Kristine!!
