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My horse is Kinda Messed up. How can I fix him?

21 9:47:33

I just got my quarter horse this year, he is about 16 hands and he was amazing
in the show ring for english this summer and He would reach out and use his but while
maintaning a perfect head set. I was told he was a reining horse and has done
some western pleasure. But over the summer I started western on him and I was
geting a little frustrated with him because he wouldn't slow down (he is 16
years old) So I sent him to a friends house for a month and I got him back about
a month ago. He is really discombobulated and has no clue what to do in a
canter. I think he is trying to 4beat, an that is what I wanted him to do in the
first place. He will not slow down in a canter in western and in english he is
REALLY choppy and looks horrible. What do I have to do to train him to slow down
in western and put his head down  in the canter. Also how do I make him extend
his trot in english like a congress horse? Maybe I should just give up on one?

well I hope I hear from you soon!


Dear Monica:
Your letter is a little hard to follow as I think you may have skipped a few words- so I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say,"... he would reach out and use his but while..."
You also say that you think he is trying to four beat which is what you wanted him to do. Four beating is a MAJOR fault and it has nothing to do with a correct slow lope. I'd drop a horse at least three placings for four beating all else being equal.
You also don't say what your horse did while he was at your friend's house. Was it time off? Was he in training?
If you are showing AQHA the chance that you're going to have a horse that will win in Hunter and in western is very very rare. I think you are wise to consider choosing one discipline and stick to it. At 16 he isn't likely to re-invent himself and it sounds like he began his career as an English horse and his trouble began when you tried to slow him down beyond his capacity. A reining horse and a western pleasure horse have very little in common when it comes to way of going or in their frame.
You also don't say what you paid for this horse or what his show/training history is. Trying to get an average QH to  extend like a congress horse is like saying that we should all look like supermodels. Set reasonable and attainable goals for both of you. I think you will enjoy your time together more.
I hope this is of some help.
S. Evans