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Getting my horse

21 9:44:56

QUESTION: How do I get my horse "on the bit"?  When ever I squeeze back and forth on the reins she just sticks her nose up and chews on the bit.  I have tried over bending and then squeezing with my outside rein and she sticks her nose up and chews on the bit.   What should I try next?

ANSWER:     Excellent question!  Often a rider is taught improper shortcuts to acceptance of the bit (on the bit).  Also many riders who watch professionals ride think that what they see can be outwardly duplicated to reproduce the desired result.
   You said you squeeze with your hands alternating pressure from the right to the left.  Many riders confuse squeezing with taking. The biggest difference between taking and squeezing is movement in the rider's wrists(minimal), elbows(much), and shoulders.  When you squeeze, the movement in the rider is imperceivable to a bystander.  Squeezing is literally just that, squeezing the reins in your fingers.  The rider's ring finger draws tighter and upward slightly so that the tip of the finger instead of just touching the palm of your hand actually pushes into your hand.  A sensitive skilled rider will also listen through his hands and is able to simultaneously give slightly with his index finger and thumb on an as needed basis.  If you are still developing a solid understanding of the difference between taking and squeezing, then you are not ready to work on the bit.
   For a rider to work their horse on the bit, they will apply several skills previously learned and developed.  The skills are: balance, soft supple hands, strong leg aids, steady and effective posture, smooth transitions, rhythm, and propulsion.  If it sounds long and involved, this is because it is.  This skill involves trust, strength (rider's posture and position), and sensitive awareness.  If a rider attempts working on the bit prematurely, he can cause damage to the horse's mouth as well as teach him to evade the bit just as your horse is currently doing.
 Because this process requires many skills, takes time and dedication, and because I am limited to how much room I have to type, I will refer you to a few links that explain how to work properly on the bit.

Good luck and keep your patience!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION:  How do I get my horse "on the bit"?
I think that the problem with her not accepting the bit is that when she was younger(she is 18)kids learned to ride on her.  I heard that they would pull on her mouth to keep their balance. She would just stick her nose up and she still does that.  What can I do to help get her to understand that I am not going to pull on her?

This will take some time as she builds her trust.  I would suggest investing in an Eggbutt bit with copper rollers.  This will soften up her mouth.  She has years of damage it sounds, so try working with the new bit and try giving her a week or two of just riding and adjusting to the bit.  That should allow her enough time to realize she can trust your hand.