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Worried about horse near my house

21 10:07:37

There's this farm that I pass on my way to school and home from school everyday and the horses look really skinny, like they're never fed or something. Isn't this wrong? Can I call somebody like the cops or something? You can see their ribs and stuff.  

Hi Lisha and thanks for visiting! Your concern might very well be a valid one. Do you know the owners of the farm? Is it possible they've fallen on hard times and are maybe too proud to ask for help? You mentioned seeing these horses on your way to and from school. Have you talked to you parents about it to get their thoughts? You might try that and see what they suggest. My first suggestion would be to contact your local equine rescue group (their name should be in the phone book or available through a local vets office) and let them know about the situation. If you don't have an equine rescue group, you can call your local humane society and they will send someone to check the situation out and see if they feel any action should be taken. Its great that you are so concerned and I really hope this situation turns out alright for all parties. I'd love to be updated on the situation! Good luck and thanks again for giving me the chance to help! -Regards,Samantha