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Horse licking

21 9:31:36

There is a horse in my sister's pasture that likes to lick on my clothes and face. Is she grooming me or what is she doing? I think she is being very motherly toward me.


Cute. Yes she may be motherly, but may also like, the salt/minerals on your skin, or your fabric softener, your soap...? but, more likely she IS grooming you, in the hope that you will return the favor. Ever watch two horse together in a pen grooming each other ? They really get into it. Try scratching her as she licks you, see if she responds. I must urge caution, personally, I would not let any horses teeth that close to my face, no matter her intent. Sometimes a friendly bite from a 1.200 lb. animal can scar. I think she just wants to be "scratched" !
Good luck.
