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saddles and show clothes

21 10:08:30

Hi, would you be willing to advise my daughter and I on which saddles with the price range of 1000.00 -1800.00 that are the most popular. we realize it must fit the horse but are overwhelmed by the market. also as far as show clothes(color of breeches, shirt and coat) whats popular in the ring these days, we know we shouldnt be a slave to fashion but my daughter just wants to fit in. thanks for your help, Lisa.

Good Day!
Sure, I'll be glad to give you some advice. It really is imanty to be 'in fashion' not just to 'fit in' with other rifers, but it is also extremely important to please those judges!
Here are some of recommendations:
Pants: Tailored Sortsmans, beige. They may seem a little funny in the hips as they aren't meant to fit to the skin. They should be the short length that they are for boot comfort, so don't worry about the length. They are the absolute most comfy and popular pants on the market and are definately 'in.'  The store may recommend a new brand that's out...very very similar to the sportsman's but a slightly slimmer fit. Unfortunately I do not remember the name of the company, my apologies.

A nice gold-buckled belt in brown leather or black leather _black with black coat) They look great with a small earring stud in gold as well and are just 'flashy' enough without too much 'glitz' for a young rider.

As for a shirt, the collar attachment should be signatured with your daughter's initials(darker font thanthe stripe but same color as the shirt= light blue shirt:dark blue lettering)Light blue shirts are best and go with a black or navy blue coat. A daring and really 'in' thing is a light pink/white stripe with a navy coat.

Jacket/coat should be slimming in the waist and not too long. There should be enough shoulder room for your daighter to move her arms and especially over fences. Sleeves should show the shirt cuffs with the arm hanging at the side.

As for saddles: best bet= a used saddle (1-2 seasons old.) Not only are they inexpensive, but broken in. It may ba a good idea to put up ads that you are looking to purchase. Try a few out before making a decision.
My other suggestion is 'Passoa.' Prices for high-jumper saddles are 'pricey' but if you're lucky, there are a few beautiful and less expensive Passoa's...just look around:) It's a great touch to have your daughter's name engraved onto a gold plate and attached to the back of the saddle.

If I can do anything more to help, please let me know and please don't hesitate to ask if you have any further questions,
All the best and happy trails!