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hay fires

21 9:40:03

QUESTION: if hay is rained on then stacked to tight and right up to a tin roof can it cause a hay fire

ANSWER: Hi- Yes, there is the possibility of a fire starting.  When hay ahs moisture in it, from either being baled too soon, or getting wet and tehn stacked tight, decomposition can start to take place and start to build up heat.  

If the hay has been allowed to dry out before being stacked the risk may not be as great - and also if the hay is stacked while being wet, you also risk mold.....if you notice bales getting moldy in the middle, you should worry - as it molds more, you will probably start to have heat build up.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks so much, we had hay delivered on a rainy mist day  it was stacked high against the sides of the hay building and it did have a tin roof the next day about 24 hours later { it was very hot the next day high humidity as well} and the hay caught fire could that be spontaneous combustion or could the tin roof make it catch on fire

First, sorry to hear you experieced a fire....hopefully no one was injured.

As fo rthe fire itself, yes, a tin roof can contribute - what it would do is help hold in any heat that is building up, and also the sun beating on the roof would increase the heat.

Just having the hay misted on might now by itself cause a fire via spontaneous combustion, but it sounds like there were many factors working against you - (fresh/newly baled?) hay, outer layer damp, packed tightly, enclosed space, hot day......a recepie for comnbustion.