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Horses bones creak

21 10:03:09

Hi there,

I have a 18 yr. old Quarter horse gelding.  He is a big strong horse.  I noticed his bones creak when he walks.  It only happens occasionally.  It does not seem to bother him. Do you have any suggestions?


Thanks for your question and I hope I can be of some help! I'm not a vet, nor have I studied equine medicine but I would think this is normal. Don't your joints crack once in a while. It's kind of like cracking your fingers. It just relieves built up pressure. But probably just like humans, if this occurs too much arthritis can form. I would think as your horse gets older his joints become a little more stiff. But if this only happens occasionally and it doesn't bother him then you shouldn't worry about it too much. If it really starts to bother you (or him) talk to your vet and he can probably advise you on a supplement that can help keep bones and joints strong. These usually aren't prescription so you might even be able to go into your local feed store and ask about it. But until it bothers him I wouldn't worry too much about it :) hope that helps

* meg *