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catching from pasture

21 9:41:49

I've been working with a 10 yo TB mare for about two months. She's great to be around: affectionate, eager to please. She has responded amazingly to Parelli groundwork, she follows me (walk and trot) without a halter and I can ride bareback with a rope halter no problem.

However, she is very difficult to catch in the pasture. Once you put put the halter on she is perfect, but sometimes that can take half an hour. If I shake grain she comes, but I don't want to have to resort to that every day. I started catching her just to graze or get a treat and then turning her out again, but this has not helped. Any suggestions?

hi krystal,
let her run if you approach her. just keep walking up to her and once she gets the point that she is doing more work then she wants she will stand and let you catch her. with time it will get easier and easier. just be patient.
amanda groff.