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fallen pasterns

21 10:02:17

I have recently purchased a 12yr old appendix.  She use to jump but I only ride her on trails at a walk.  Her pasterns are almost touching the ground.  Is she in pain?  Is there anythink I can do to correct this?  Or help this situation.  Can I continue to ride her.  How can I check if she is in pain?  any information you can give me on this is greatly appreciated  

Hi Tammy;

I suggest you have a vet examine her if you're concerned about pain issues.  The vet can see her move, check her vitals to see if they're elevated (often a sign of pain) and things of that nature.

It is my experience that this condition can not be fixed and that it deteriorates with time.  Sometimes a farrier can make some foot changes and put shoes on to support the tendons and ligaments, but for the most part, you've got what you've got.

I can't advise you in terms of riding because I can't see her and examine her, but a vet will be able to provide those answers.

Best wishes for you and your new girl!


Lana Reinhardt