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horse stops all the time

21 9:45:20

We purchased a horse from a lesson riding facility that will often stop during the walk, trot and canter.  He is a great jumper and never stops prior to jumping, it is only during the walk, trot, canter.  The lead instructor told me he developed this bad habit during the lesson program with young riders who would kick him repeatedly to try to get him moving.  Now, if either of my daughters kick him, he stops.  He will eventually move with a crop but it is not easy.  He has excellent ground manners and is an amazing jumper so I bought him thinking we could break this habit.  Any suggestions on how to start?

This sounds like a people problem. Horses that are good on ground, and know cues for walk trot and canter will teach a horse to move on the same commands used on the ground.  If this horse is "stalling" it is being caused by conflicting signals, so when a horse is confused it freezes.

I would do more work on my cues, use that same sounds, click to trot and kiss to canter, once the horse learns this on the ground, then he will know what you want when in the saddle.

This sounds like a horse that is ridden too much too fast and not ever ridden without running or competing so he has learned that if he does not run he will get put up.  This is connected to a respect issue as well, so read my site on horsemanship to become a better leader for the horse.
