Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > hia friend of my parents...

hia friend of my parents...

21 10:03:04

a friend of my parents has asked if i would like to exercise her pony but the pony is only 12.2hh and im 14 so i think i would be too big? She is also quite young and my riding isnt fantastic so i dont kno how i would manage? Do you think it would be better to say knowor give it a go?
Thanks, sarah!

 Im soooo sorry i havent replied earlier, I've been in scotland and i cant figure out how to get the thingy on here to say you're away!
 It depends what type of pony it is. many ponies are very hardy and can carry weight well (not saying your heavy!) but i dont think that is the only issue, if it is a young pony and you are not a very experienced rider I would think twice about taking this on. You have to be confident and comfortable enough to feel happy riding a pony that isnt very experienced. I would go and see the pony, meet it and see how you feel. Don't be pushed into anything though, and feel free to come back later even, after you've ridden for longer or even just had a few more lessons.
     just dont rush into it. Its important that you feel safe and comfortable, horses can pick up on nervous riders and it will make them nervous. I would say if you are even a little wary, just leave it. And as I say, you can always go back later!

I hope I helped, Good luck and sorry for the late reply!
