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halter colt

21 9:53:54

Hi! I have a just turned yearling quarter horse stud colt that I plan to show this year at open shows.  I have taught him to do all the moves that is required in halter and showmanship classes, but the question I have is how do I get his body fit enough for the show ring?  I don't expect him to be perfect or like the older horses since he is still a baby, but he has a hay belly because he is an easy keeper.  I do take him out to trail rides every now and then when I can take my mare out to pony him and I free lunge him in the outdoor arena (80x90 and nothing to hard.  Do you have any advice I can use? He is also bred for halter/performance.

Dear Crystal:
Well, I could tell you what many trainers do to yearlings to get them "fitted up" for yearling halter to win a futurity - yet sadly many of these youngsters ever make it to adulthood because of these tactics. Case in point - a yearling half Arab filly currently in rehab at our barn having just come back from US nationals from a "top trainer." The high carb, high protien diet they had her on has ruined her. She has one of the worst cases of epiphicytis I've ever seen. Bones growing faster than all of the connective tissues.
I would suggest maybe a high quality grass hay (keep away from the alfalfa) timothy if you can find it. Ask your vet about adding rice bran and a good vitamin supplement. Ponying is great as long as the mare is quiet and the footing good. DO protect his legs when you free lunge. If he's at all thick in the throat/neck - you'll probably want to get a neck/throat sweat. You don't really have much time and this process is usually started in the fall. I'd think about the longterm and don't focus on muscling him up and making him hog fat - he will pay for it in the long run.
Best wishes,
S. Evans