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help mare gain wieght

21 9:53:55

hi again i had a question concerning my mare she is trying to wean colt and has dropped off some weight ive bought some 6%fat pellets to give her and i was going to increase her feed but i dont know if giving her more feed could ""colic or founder"" her if i increase her food what do you suggest to help her gain her weight back up?

Increasing her grain, as long as it is the same grain you were feeding before won't cause colic, but if you increase her intake by more than double you could run into a problem, so gradullay over the next week increase her feed slowly.  If she has trouble gaining weight, or is thin now you don't have to worry about founder.  Founder generally happens to horses that are morbisly obese over a long period of time.  Once you get your mare back to what you consider a healthy weight (no ribs showing), cut her grain back little by little until she can maintain a good weight.

Samantha Brunner