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difficult horse

21 10:03:19

 My friend has a horse, that would probaly be a great horse to ride. But at the moment is a night mare. He wont even let us ride him. If he does, he will soon be bolting, bucking and sometimes wont even move. Sometimes he wont stop until he has got us of his back. We have wanted to try strong bits but he wont even let u touch him.

At the moment my friend is thinking of selling him because he is becoming danergous. But she would love any adivce that you can give us, on what we can do to try and stop this bad behaviour.


Stronger bits will only make him mad and more dangerous.  Training horses is so difficult to explain over emails.  He sounds like a dangerous horse, but he could possibly be trained for something depending on his age and previous experience.  

The basics of riding a horse always start on the ground.  Line driving like a plow horse will teach him the mechanics of the bit.  There could possibly be something wrong with his back, making it hard for him to carry a passenger.

I am sorry I am not much help, but without seeing the horse and working with him it is difficult to diagnose a problem.
