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pony mares - Rick Gore Horsemanship

21 9:16:07

Millie and Angel
Millie and Angel  

Millie and Angel
Millie and Angel  
Hello, I have two ponies I rescued, one I've had for a year, the other about 10 months. They have always gotten along well, grooming each other, lying down beside each other, always grazing together when they are turned out. Millie, has always been the alpha, but only by pinning her ears and other body language, to move Angel away. Nothing mean or nasty like running at her or kicking or biting. About a month ago the tables turned drastically. They are turned out at night on 2.5 acres and I put them in a paddock during the day. Angel started to be really mean to Millie, running at her, teeth bared, cornering her and spinning to kick, etc. She actually got Millie twice, pulling hair out of her rump. It got so bad that I separated them in fear that Millie was going to get hurt. When it first started I noticed that they were both in heat at the time so I was hoping it would pass but it didn't. It has gotten better to where Angel isn't running at her or pinning her anymore, but poor Millie trots away as soon as Angel turns toward her or moves around the paddock or pasture. Can you tell me why the change? And why so vicious at times? I was very worried that something might be wrong with Mille so I was taking her vitals twice a day for a week and she is fine. I hope you can give me some insight on this. Their temperments? Millie: She came to me severely foundered, hadn't been trimmed in at least a year and in very poor condition with mastitis. She is in perfect health now, is going on trail rides, and is bombproof around anyone and anything. I have a 4 yr old riding her by herself. Basically a million dollar pony, she drives also, about 12 yrs old.
Angel: She came to me scared of the world, scars down her spine, afraid of anything you have in your hand. I had to leave a halter on her for about a month as she had catching issues. Today? I can walk up to her, I groom her at liberty, including picking her hooves, cleaning her teats, etc. She still has trust issues but is 100% better and under saddle is a doll. She will let me do anything around her head and face, as long as she can put her face next to mine, chin on my shoulder, love me kissing her face. So please tell me what you think about this situation. I hate that they are not friends anymore, and that Millie lives in fear of Angel, always watching her and trotting away when she turns toward her. Thanks for your time.

You know, I put a warning before sending a question so when I answer and upset people they should know what to expect. but people can't even take time to read the warning about my philosophy on horses or they would write such foolish questions since they would know that I am going to call them foolish and tell them they are problem not the horse.

YOU are casing the problem, you do not know what you doing, you are treating these horses like you babies and your dogs, HINT: they are horses.  To you and many others that don't take time to educate themselves, they don't know the different.

Why don't you write me back when you can answer these simple basic questions about a horse.

What is a precocial species?
What is the difference between prey and predator?
what is pressure and release?
What is a pecking order?
How does release teach?
What is the difference between respect, fear, and love?
Why do horses have problems seeing at dusk and dawn?
Why do horses bite and kick?
What is normal herd behavior?

Of course if you had read just part of my web site or watched just some of my 500 videos, you would know all these answers and would not have to be writing me this foolish question.

Had you read the warning/notification before you wrote this question you would not be asking me. There are lots of other so called experts that will tell you all kind of nice easy answers and fixes, I don't, I speak for the horse. Horses don't like being saved by owners that think they are so smart. You are making this worse but you don't get that since you don't understand a horse. I say that since if you did understand a horse you would not be asking this question and doing what you are doing.