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my horse wont go

21 10:03:44

Dear Shelley,
I have a 13 yr. old quarter horse mare that i've owned for a year. I ride her western, just for fun and don't compete or anything.
The problem is that if i am trying to ride away from the house she won't go. i have an awful time with her. I like to ride on the road because we're out in the country on a gravel road with hardly any traffic. But she gives me such a hard time. She weaves back and forth from one side of the road to another and won't keep in a straight line. And not only that but she keeps stopping and trying to turn around.She doesn't listen to my cues either and i have to constantly kick her and sometimes even smack her on the rump. She turns a 20 minute ride into an hour ride, and by the time i get back my legs are worn out from all the kicking. Its really bad if we do meet a vehicle because she won't listen and go where i need her to go.
But its just like that heading away from home, she's perfectly fine coming back, i don't have any trouble with her. Do you have any suggestions as to what i can do to break her of that bad habit?
                  Thanks so much,

Dear Erin
I'd like to apologise for taking so long to respond and for the rampant typeo's as I just had a baby (early)
and am typing one handed.
Your problem- often referred to as "barn sour" reflects a lack of basic training - submission and obedience. This behavior (which really means your horse is not obeying your aids) is especially dangerous on a road.
Although you do not show, I urge you to go back to a ring and re-visit  the basics. Focus on lateral movements like leg yield and shoulder-in.  Plan your excursions as training excersises- don't expect too much too soon and set small goals - bring along another rider on a well schooled horse for "emotional support." Always wear a helmet! De-sensitise your horse in the ring to the application of a dressage whip (long enough to back up and re-enforce your leg aids).
Best wishes,
S. Evans