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my show horse has started bucking

21 9:49:57

My name is Kimi and about 4 or 5 months ago we bought a horse for me to show in the Hunter and equ classes. We tried him for 2 weeks before we bought him then had him for about 2 weeks when he started bucking over fences. Since then his falt work has also been getting worse(not bucking) just getting faster and faster and the min. I ask him to slow down he just stops even with very little pressure. We got his back looked at and it did need some work and I also got a new saddle that fits him better. after that I had 2 lessons with him being great but at out last one he was bucking again. We don't know if shomething else could be wrong of if he has just learned that the bucking scares me and I stop him(have been working on me pushing him through it and not stoping).
please tell me what you think

Dear Kimi,
          It seems to me that he is doing it because you fear it, if it's not insane bucking and you can stay on, i think you will be okay. But to fix this issue...
          When he bucks, stop him DON"T GET OFF!! Pull his head around so he walks in a tight circle, do a few circles on way and one the other. That will loosen him up and let him know if he bucks he will get dizzy, and get punished for bucking.
          You must keep this up, if he gets worse, try teaching him better ground manners, spend time with him by not riding, groom him more and get a better bond with him. Take him for walks, etc.
          Try teaching him some basic dressage, it helps with flexion, discipline, and adds confidence in the rider.