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mare & colt

21 9:55:08

Hi Dee, I wonder if you can tell me when I can put my mare and colt back together after weaning? I have had them seperated since September 19, Mom looks to be pretty dried up however she has been bred back and I wondered if she will continue to carry milk while she carries the foal making it easier for milk to produce should the colt begin to suck again. I thought it would be appropriate to leave them seperated for 3-4 months but others tend to disagree with me what do you say? Thank you, Susan

I agree with the others --- this isn't long enough -- the mare and foal are too well bonded and they will accept each other again - and the foal will once again nurse.  We never let ours back in with their dams until the mare has once again foaled and then we don't have to worry about the "rebond"...

We weaned ours and they will go in a different pasture for the next year ...
