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21 9:41:16

I hope you don't mind but this might be an instering question.. There are 2 problems, one my mom HATES horses,scared to death of them, can't stand the smell and 2 we can't afford lessions. Is there a way to convince my mom to let me near a horse, and is there a job or some thing i can do at a stable to pay for lessions with out monies? I've takes lessionjs for 3 years strat when i was 5, then it got 2 expansive, and then we moved and I haven't been neer a horse in 2 years! Can you please help?? Moe P.S. my mom said that i need a good reason to be near a horse.

Moe -

Your situation sounds difficult indeed!  As for jobs at stables, you will need to ask the barns in your community if they are willing to let you work in exchange for lessons.  Each barn is different, however, if they don't have a full staff then often they are happy to work out a trade.  There are plenty of things to do at barns.  The work seems to never be done!  Stalls always need to be cleaned, as do the horses, the horses need to be turned out, exercised, fed, and watered.  And depending on the barn, there is usually a huge list of more things that still need to be done!

As for convincing your mother to let your ride, that will be more difficult.  I can tell you that riding is extremely beneficial at teaching one balance, patience, and increasing over all coordination and strength.  Working with horses teaches one how to communicate more effectively, how to maintain and be accountable for responsibilities, how to organize and plan, and it can truly open the mind and heart to the beauty this world has to offer.

The thing you will have to keep in mind is determination.  Ultimately in the end, once you are older and live on your own, you will then be able to do what you want with your life.  So my best advice is to show your mother your determination.  Ask her why she really doesn't want you around horses.  Actually listen to her response.  Respect her response.  And continue everyday finding ways to show her your dedication.  She may not ever approve, but eventually she may just see your determination and let you ride.  Keep your eyes on the prize, and one day you will get there!