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Getting a horse on a trailor

21 10:02:45

My name is Kayla and I have been working with my school's horsebarn, and I came upon a horse with a very stubborn attiude. While working there this summer my task was to load him in to a trailor because that is one thing that he has a problem with. I tried loading another horse on the trailor, using food, blindfolding, trying to make him go in backwards, and we did try with the rope with people behind him. We have a ramp on our trailor and he will stick his front feet on but refuses to stick his back feet on. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you,

Hi Kayla,
Sounds like you have tried all the normal ways to get your horse to load! Well, I'm very into Parelli natural horse-man-ship and that way works...first of all do the opposite of what you have been doing, take your horse to the trailer but don't ask him to load, by this time he probebly dosn't want to go near it, and you can't honestly blame him, he thinks he will be forced to go on it.  So basically if he won't go near it, just play with him as close as he will go...playing dosn't mean riding or lounging, just find some things that will interest him or have fun getting him used to scary things such as umbrellas or noises or the big horse balls, use your imagination.  As time goes on he will forget about the trailer and will be interested in you and what you are doing with him before you know it he won't mind going close to it because he is having fun.  Just for a day be satisfied with him being able to stand close to it while you play with him.  Next time play some more and the results of him being able to stay beside it and go up to it will come much quicker.
Than ask him to squeeze between you and the trailer...stand about 10 feet away and nicely ask him to walk between you and the trailer, when he does ask him to face you and than reward him for doing it, with some attention and rubs, keep doing this till you can squeeze him between you and it with only 4 feet between.  If you start at ten feet away and he won't do it, use phases...phase 1 is lifting the rope and making gentle contact for him to go through, if he takes even 1 step stop asking and let him relax for about 20 seconds, this will show him that he did the right thing.  Phase 2 lift a whip near his shoulder phase 3 swing the whip and pase 4 touch him with it on the shoulder...remember if at any time he makes an effort to go through the space or even thinks about it, stop and relax to show he did the right thing...

Once he does this well, advance to the trailer and using phases ask him to go on (you do not lead him on, stand outside of it) if he attempts to walk forward toward it at all, stop and relax therefore he knows he did the right thing.  If he dosn't even try or shift his weight towards it up the phases until he does, remember the slightest try means you stop, if you keep doing it after he tries he won't try again and won't know what you want.  Use approach and retreat, if he tries to go on you relaz and let him do not keep asking, if you force him he won't do it or might do it once but not again (as you found out!)  Once he does go on do not shut the ramp or door it will scare him...take him off and doing the same thing ask again.  Every time before you load play with him on the ground, wether it be squeezing him between you and the trailer or getting him used to different things outside of it.  This will get him thinking calmly and being relaxed.

Remember the slightest try on his part means that you stop asking, this will build his confidence and he will understand what you want! Always use phases and don't advance through them to quickly.
Also if he gets his front legs on and than stops trying, ask him to back off and than ask him on again, keep doing this until he goes farther, approach and retreat builds confidence, also remember no tto lad him on,you stand outside the trailer!

Read through this a few times so it makes sense!
I hope you understand what I'm saying, I tried to make it as clear as possable, done right and it will work!

Keep it natural,
Echo Savage