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Buying a Thoroughbred?

21 9:45:57

In general, are Thoroughbreds a good choice for a horse? I'm a pretty good rider and I'm in the process of looking for my first horse (mostly for a dressage horse, but also for one that will go out on trails and take a couple jumps), and a good number of the horses I've found have been TBs. However, a lot of people I know (my parents!) have been really against a TB. I rode an 8 year old OTT TB mare for a couple months (who, admittedly, some people thought was insane) but I didn't have much of a problem. Anyways, it will be my first horse, and I was wondering if a TB is a good choice.

hi krystal,
many people think all thoroughbreds are high spirited, hard to handle, to fast, and even mean and stupid. but its not really the case. yes they are are more energetic breed but if you keep them properly exercised you wont have a problems. if you get a thoroughbred that is an ex race horse then yes it would be stupid. but if you get a thoroughbred bred and trained for riding your good. as long as you know you can handle the horse if he decides to act up then you are good. a thoroughbred will meet most of your activities you want to do. dressage is great for thoroughbreds as well as jumping. they dont do the best on the trail but they can still take you on a good ride. you just need to remember that thoroughbreds are very sesitive horses. mistakes in training can be a pain to undo. they also get ulcers and internal bleeding easily. just make sure if you buy a thoroughbred youhave a vet check him out for bleeding, lamness,tendon problems, etc. other then that there is nothing wrong with having a thoroughbred as a first horse. heck my first horse was an untrained arabian mare........ that was fun =). remember too, having a challenging horse will make you a better rider and trainer. you have no choice but to get better or you will get bucked off. thats one way i learned how to ride racehorses. my boss would perpusly put me on a horse that would take off with me so i would be used to it and not panic later. i must say it worked very well.i could care less if a horse took off with me on the track. all they can do is run in an oval =). good luck
amanda groff