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western bits

21 9:49:12

Hi, my name is Megan.  I have been riding for about 16 years now and I would say that I am an advanced rider.  For most of those years I have ridden english, but within the last couple of years I'm trying to get into the western circuit with my arabian.  We currently compete and do very well in speed classes (barrel racing, pole bending, etc.).  I bought him from a man who was not experienced enough for him and basically spent the last couple of years since I bought him re-training him.  I currently use a Kimberwick on him and he responds extremely well.  I was just wondering what type of bit I should use in western pleasure.  This may sound dumb, but could I use the Kimberwick in western?  Or if not, do you know of a bit that would be equivalent to that in western?


Hi Megan :)
I have seen kimberwicks used in the show ring before. I believe a kimberwick is mainly used in english so if you use it in a western pleasure class you may lose points. My suggestion is to go buy a bit to try out. Most stores have return policies of 30 or 60 days. If you dont like the new one, return and try someone new. Good luck :)
