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horse- hair loss- heat

21 9:53:35

I just bought a 3 year old spotted draft mare 5 days ago. I noticed some hair loss on her RH and RF pastern about a the size of a quarter yesterday.  It doesn't appear to be itchy or red really, I can pull the hair out easily and the small chunks of hair that come out are bundles attached to crustiness. the bare skin in not crusty or pussy or bumpy. also, I feel that her coronary bands and top of hooves on all 4 are warmer than they should be but she is not lame at all. Can you give me any suggestions?

Dear Heather,
            Warmness in the coronary bands, tendons, pasterns, or any lower leg heat can be a sign of ringobne in forming, or many other serious health problems. If she is also loosing hair then I am extrememly worried for her. You should call out a vet immeadiatly, and get a full health check on any new horses that are bought. Who knows what her last owners did or didn't do. It is also possible that she is in the early stages of founder.