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getting 6 yr old fit

21 10:02:25

I recently purchased a 6yr old gelding.  He is an Irish Draught X Belgian  with some thouroughbred thrown in there somewhere.  He was broken as a 2 yr old, and professionally trained for 30 days as a 3 yr old.  For the past 3 yrs he's basically been ocassionally hacked on the owner's estate.  He has done some light ring work, he does respond to all the aides, and yields to the leg.  I mainly trail ride, but it is more like hilltopping or novice eventing in nature.  I've had him for 3 weeks now.  When I went to see him the first time he had not been used at all since summer (and was dead quiet.) I am having a hard time figuring out a fitness schedule for him.  I've been riding him 3 times a week and he does get tired out easily.  He seems eager to go out with me, and wants to please, but really works up a sweat in no time at all.  So, my question there is, how do I know when we've done too much, or what is the best way to get him into shape?  That would be part one of the question...the other thing is that during our last 2 rides while tacking up he seemed to spook at the reins going over his head.  He had not shown this behavior before.  I've been touching him and notice that he flinches in the girth area when not under saddle.  Could that be from doing too much, maybe he is sore?  I know how to ride, but do not know much about how to get a horse fit, and since he is so huge anyway, (17.2) and looks very athletic, it is hard for me to tell.  Any  ideas are appreciated.
Thank you,


Thanks for your question, I hope I can be of some help, and I sincerely apologize for taking so long to get back to you.

My first suggestion to any question like this is to talk to your vet. They will know better the condition of your horse and what would be right for it. They can reccomend a proper schedule for your horse as well as the right feed and vitamins to help.

And second, just take things slow. He's not going to get fit right away. It's just like training for a marathon. Start small and work your way up. If you can I would suggest working him more often, but for shorter amounts of time. Maybe 30 minutes. Remember, sweating doesn't always means he's out of shape. I used to ride a horse who would sweat even when it's snowing, that's just how he was. But you'll really notice he's tired if he starts acting sluggish, slowing his pace, he's not as responsive, he's esaily annoyed and he begans to breath very heavy. I suggest doing a nice easy warm up and make sure you don't rush it, as well as a good long cool down, especially when it's hot. But I really do suggest talking to someone who sees you and your horse on a regular basis to be able to help you better.

And as for him flinching, I will first suggest that you check all of his tack and make sure it fits him properly. Especially if he wasn't ridden for a length of time and he's still young, his body could have changed, especially the saddle and the girth. Also, before you get on him check that nothing is pinching him. Stretch his legs and walk him after tightening the girth to get rid of any pinched skin and run your fingers through the bridle as well. And I know it seems silly but I sometimes tend to just randomly tack up my horses and then untack them. Just so they don't always associate work with their tack. It also helps when they have to put new things on them. Also, make sure he's always touched. I groom my horses everyday even if I'm not riding them and even if it's just with a light brush. I also run my hands all over them. It's great for horses. I also get other people to do it. Now neither of them object and are perfect angles when it comes to people around them. Just little things like that help so much.

I hope that helped you :) Please feel free to ask if you have any other questions!

* Meg