Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > Remounting


21 9:19:50

hey!I'm a thirteen year old girl and i have a 14 year old pony.If i dismount him  and go to put up a jump, when i go to get back on him he kicks out at me.I need advice on what to do.Is there anything i can do to prevent this.

    Hi Sarah,
  I would like to say, that I find it totally unacceptable for an animal, to kick at, bite, or demonstrate any other aggressive behaviour towards a human. The short answer to your question is yes, you can cure it. My method would require a bit of study on your part, and I don't know if you would be prepared for that. On the plus side however, you would gain quite an insight into how horses behave.
  There are a few questions I would like to ask you. Does he kick at you at other times, how are his ground manners generally, have you got adults around who could help you, and have you heard of "Round Pen" techniques?
  His present behaviour is demonstrating that he does not have much respect for you, and that is what you need to change. The amount of work you would need to invest in this is not very large, but it would take a little bit of time.
  Please let me know if you want to go down this road, and we will take it from there.
Meanwhile I will wish you luck,