Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > gelding,trouble urinating,bloodclot type coming out of penis

gelding,trouble urinating,bloodclot type coming out of penis

21 9:35:07

my gelding acts like he has to urinate,only little amounts are coming out however,there is a blood clot type gooey stuff hanging from his penis when he tries too urinate


this is obviously not normal. What is your question?? I am assuming you have already contacted an equine veterinarian to evaluate him. I cannot diagnose and treat conditions over the internet, so if you have not done this already, you certainly need to.

your ratings were unfair as you did not ask a question. I get all types of questions from people with very diverse levels of experience and backgrouns most of whom do not know to contact a veterinarian. This is a free service and if you do not ask a question I have no idea how to respond and what you are looking for. You have been terribly unfair to me. If you are so displeased with me, I suggest you utilize some other mechanism for free advice, be fair to them by being clear in what you are looking for.