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Horse swallen ankle problem

21 9:40:16

QUESTION: Hi.I am not much in to horses but a guy asked me to help him.He has a trotter from France and the trotters leg where it bends,just behing the nail gets swallen and they seem to find no cure for him.Well they gave it some needle courses of medicaation and they also put in in plastering.The leg heals but after about two weeks it gets swallen again.There are not much experienced vets in this area and he would like to know what you think the cause is and if which medications/therapy would you recommend;

ANSWER: David,
  Is it a front leg or a back leg? Legs bend in many places. I'm not sure what you mean when you say "just behind the nail."
Can you give me more information?
Anne Stepien

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QUESTION: It is a front leg.I think it is the ankle like a human being ankle.This guy told me that the horse has four nails,one in each leg and the ankle just before the nail is the one which gives problems.If it is better you can give me your e-mail or I can attach a photo here?and I mark the area?
What you think?

ANSWER: David,
  I'm totally confused. Are you sure the guy didn't say the horse has a screw in each leg? I can't imagine any conditions other than multiple fractures that would necessitate that though.
  Send the photo to
Anne Stepien

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

horse leg
horse leg  
I have attached a photo hear.It get swallowen between the two fingers.I will also e-mail it to you;
If you can tell me what u think is the cause and also the cure please.

  It looks like the horse has a suspensory problem. There are no easy answers, unfortunately. Is there heat in the leg? The first step is to get the heat out, and then to tighten the suspensory up.
  I would suggest hosing the leg or standing the horse in a therapy boot at least once a day. Then the leg should be done up and bandaged with either a good tightener or a sweat. Without seeing the horse and how he is in person, I'm not comfortable suggesting a specific product.
  Best of luck.
Anne Stepien