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crossing legs

21 9:53:31

My husband bought a 7 year old Cremello gelding grade horse for trail riding.  He has supposedly been ridden by kids and beginners.  What we can't figure out is why he crosses his front legs & feet when he walks.  It's VERY exaggerated.  He also clips a front leg with the hind foot.  Is this normal?  I've seen a lot of horses and never noticed one with this type of walk.  

Dear Cheri,
         It may be that your horse may either be gaited, or has a defect in his bones, I advise you to call a vet, there could be somethiing seriously wrong with his nervous or bone system, that is not a normal horse behavior and it could end up being fatal if it is not looked into. Another possibilty is incoorect shoeing. Either way get a vet out to look at him,