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Horse barn fires

21 9:45:22

Hi!  We have been told that it is no longer OK to store hay in the barn above horse stalls which is what we are set up to do.   Is there a flame retardant we could paint on the wood in our barn?  And then what if we stack bales so air can flow through and install ventilation?  Would that be good?

Hi - very good question!

To the best of my knowledge, there is no type of flame retardant that would fit that need.  Furthermore, it is not the actual barn that is the 'problem' - it is the hay itself.  When hay is not dried properly and is baled/put away with too much of a moisture content, it can build up enough heat to spontaneously combust.  At that point, it is almost impossible to stop a fire in a hay loft.

Stacking bales to allow for better ventilation is a good idea, and also a sound practice.  It is more important to check the hay itself to make sure it isn't too wet.  If you break open a bale and feel any type of heat inside, or moisture, that is not a good sign.

Also, if you ever see how 'old time' farmers stack their hay, they do it with the cut ends up/down, as opposed to the sides with the twine being on the top and bottom.  Believe it or not, this also helps with ventilation.

I am curious - what state are you in, and who told you it is no good to store hay in the barn above the stalls? Is this a new policy or were you told this is a regulation or law?

It is strongly recommended that bulk hay storage be kept in a separate building, with only a few days worth of hay kept in the barn with the animals.   

Please feel free contact me with any more questions or concerns!
