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My 15yr old Quarter Pony

21 9:41:14

I had just bought a quarter pony I fell in love with her right away! The people I got her from said she's underweight and need a good 100lbs more on her. I had took her riding wit my daughter's 20yr Quarter Horse and afterwards my horse was way more sweaty then my daughters. I mean she was drenched wit sweat does that mean shes just out of shape? Or is there something else goin on?

Hi - You say you just bought this pony and she may need some weight.  If she has not been ridden much, and is out of shape, it is quite possible that the reason for her sweating up so much more is due to the lack of muscle tone.  She would have to work all that much harder on the ride.

If she is a small horse/pony, I would even consider not riding her at all until she has more weight on her.  Can you see her ribs? Are her hips 'points' or nicely rounded?  These are things to look for.

Remember, if a horse is underweight, it will be harder to fit tack properly also, you want to make sure you don't injure her before she has a chance to get some weight back on and get back into shape.

That said, some horses DO sweat more than others - but from what you described, I would lean toward the mare being out of shape and needing weight.