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21 9:42:04

hello, I have a 15H 4 y/o paint mare.  She has the conformation for western pleasure however due to finances I am trying to finish her myself and I am having alot frustration over trying to teach her how to collect.  She gives to the bit whiling standing but in motion it falls apart, I try to push her into the bit but she only moves faster, and she has the horrible habit of cheating on the hindend during jogging.  Your advice would be greatly appreciated.  suggestions for working from the ground would be great too---I'm pregnant.

Dear Michelle,
I sympathize as you are in a difficult position (I was starting a young horse over fences when I was expecting our daughter). The biggest issue that you're going to come up against is that the closer you get to your due date, the less time you will be able to dedicate to this filly- is there someone with you who can take over for you? If not- in all honesty- other than just keeping her fit- you might want to consider leaving her until your baby is born-since what she's really going to need is consistency and a good 90 day program.
Anyway-do make sure you have her in a snaffle- try a fish back- but they are VERY hard to find. A loose ring on the thin side will do but avoid a wire. Also, use a training martingale- these look like a   neck strap with up to ten rings on them and it connects to your cinch. Run your reins through at a comfortable height- don't try to set her low with it- it's just to help to keep the connection. When she speeds up, circle her off the rail- a big circle- then spiral the circle down and spiral it back out again (lots of of outside leg- think of it as more of a leg yielding to the centre of the circle). Once you're back on the rail, halt and ask her to back up (firmly- at least ten steps) and then ask her to stand quietly. Also try some leg yield on and off of the rail and mix it up- keep her guessing- circle work is very important for rating a horse's speed. You can also simply jog her off and when she picks up speed- apply leg and halt her- rein back and jog off again.
If you think she's getting strong in a "not so nice" way" wall turns are also very effective (but be careful- you don't want to get piled). At a lope (which might be sneaking up into a hand gallop) simply take your outside leg and your inside rein and turn her right into the wall (rail) and demand a lope departure in the opposite direction without hesitation- similar to a rollback- repeat.
Remember- all of this is schooling work and you (or she) won't want to keep at this for more than 30  minutes. Break it up with quite work- trails or anything that gives both of you a break. By the same token- don't let her speed up on you while out on the trail- make her mind her speed always.
I hope this helps and congratulations.
S. Evans