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W bit

21 9:42:05

my horse has a very short tongue and always manages to get his tongue over the bit. I was given a W bit to prevent him putting his tongue over the bit but im not sure how to attatch it??

Dear Lucy

I apologize, but I don't know what you mean by a W bit.  However I do have a suggestion for your horse.  You didn't say, but I presume your horse is not far along in his training.  When a horse learns to relax and accept the bit, getting a tongue over it ceases to be an issue.  Most of your problem will most likely be alleviated by more training.

I would go back to a plain old snaffle (not one of those western things with shanks) but a plain old egg butt snaffle. If he continues to get his tongue over the snaffle, you can take a appropriate length of leather thong, tie each end to the top of bit cheeks. Put your bridle on your horse, keeping the loop on top of his nose, take the long loop that the thong has left, use it to pull the bit up towards the top of your horse's mouth a bit and tie one overhand loop to your horse's forelock.  Don't do this too tightly.  The idea is to raise the bit just slightly so it's harder to get his tongue over it. You may have to adjust the length of the thing a few times so it is long enough without being too long. hey also make rubber gadgets for this same purpose.  You often seen them used on the race track.

It is my strong opinion that add-ons and gadgets can't replace training.  They may be very helpful in early stages of training, but the goal should be very simple tack and no gadgets.  I like to get my horses to the point that they can be ridden with a hank of soft cotton rope around their chest and no bridle at all.  If you head for the goal of a soft, responsive horse, even if you never get to the bridleless stage, you will both have more fun.  Good luck.