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How can i control this Horse!

21 10:01:57

Hi my name is Carina, i've been riding for 4 years now and i've been riding a horse lately that thinks she's the boss and tries to through me off with a lovely buck when i ask the canter. She hasn't won yet and she will never win with me on her or any other rider. I use the whip it will work for 20 min. then she'll break out the buck again. I know im a good rider but i want to get this habit in the trash! Can u help me?

                               Carina Daidone

Hi Carina;

I don't think she's trying to buck you off to show you she's the boss, but rather she's trying to tell you it hurts her to canter.  Horses are very generous and accomodating by nature and bad behaviours are almost always related to pain.  Often bucking is a sign of a saddle that doesn't fit and pinches, or that the horse has a sore back or is sore in the hindquarter.

Strike off for canter is the outside hind, which means the horse must push off AND carry all its weight and the weight of the rider on that one leg.  Many physical issues can occur in horses and that type of gait departure can cause extreme pain.

My suggestion is that this horse be seen by a chiropractor for adjustment and then a massage therapist.


Lana Reinhardt