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Can my horse be helped?

21 9:52:27

Hey Taylor,
I recently bought a solid black American paint horse, i was told he had some training but then when i got him home i could tell he had not.I have been working with him for several weeks and he now will listen to the reins and do what i want with out to much trouble until we leave the yard, when we leave out on the trail he continues to go until we get to the end of the fence line then he stops and continues to turn around heading back home i can make him stop but he does not and will not turn around and head back out with out me getting down and eventually getting him to lead away from the fence line but its a long process when we finally do go back to the yard i don't stop working him i continue to make him work at home but he has no problems with that, my mom says i may need to send him off somewhere to be retrained since he is 9 but i would love to get him to listen on my own. any help you can offer? any suggestions?

Hi Tina. I know how you feel. Um try this. When he goes to turn around to head back home, sit back in the saddle, feet forward and say whoooaaa. If he doesn't stop, pull on the reins. If he still doesn't stop, reach down to one side if the reins and pull back. Make him do a circle. After he's calmed down. Stand there for a bit and wait till he grinds his teeth. (chews on the bit) This means he's thinking. I'm going to teach you how to do something called giving. It helps the horse to take his mind off of everything else and focus on you and what you are telling him to do. It kinda puts the horse into tunnel vison. While your at a stop, Sit back in your seat and move your arms back and forth. So your one arm is stretched out while your other is by your hip. do this motion slowly till he bows his head. This means he's giving to the bit. That's good. Give him a pat on the neck and wait till he chews on the bit agian. Whenever he does this refusal act, Do the same thing i told you. And while your standing there, face his head in the opposite direction of the house. Don't let him see the place he wants to go to. Keep him giving. After a bit, slowly urge him out farther to where YOU want to go. If he turns around and runs, repeat the drill i just told you. While your riding at home, make him give lots. Get him paying attention to YOU and only YOU. Try to work as much as possible out on the trail. If you have any more questions, i'll be happy to answer them. Let me know how it works out. Taylor
P.S Not every horse is perfect. Just give it time and stay calm. Remember, he knows everything going on in your body, he knows what your thinking too. Be careful what you send down to him. Good Luck!