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making racehorse carry more weight

21 9:19:03

hello sir. i want to become a thoroughbred racehorse trainer. is there any kind of therapy where i can make a racehorse carry weight at fast gallop without hurting its back?


This is where an understanding of equine anatomy and development would be very advantageous.  Dr. Deb Bennett, DVM, did a study some years ago and determined that a horse's skeleton is not fully ossified until they are 8 years old.  And the last part of the skeleton to finish growth is the spine.  Especially since many TB's are started under saddle before they are 2 yrs. old.  So some damage is inevitable.  Bodywork will help keep the muscles in good shape to support the spine properly, chiropractic work too as well as limiting the amount of time that weight is on their backs and keeping the rider as light as possible would be very helpful.  Racing is like a lot of the olympic sports where juveniles do the best - gymnastics, swimming.  It puts a lot of stresses on growing bodies.  Some do better than others.  

Sorry, but there's no therapy that can make a spine grow faster but the supportive therapies I mentioned above will assuredly keep the horses comfortable and able to do their best.
