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23 year old therobred

21 9:54:07

He's lost an noticable amount of weight I've tried to add beet pellets-wetted to his normal food. Just changed his food to a senior b/c his grain was showing in his fecal matter.  Doesn't seem to have any trouble with his teeth.  Just started on a weight gain.  He was on one before but it wasn't successful so I changed to name brand Weight Gain.  Also gets a large amount of hay lasts all day and i feed him 3 times a day.  any other suggestions that would help.  I only ride him once a week during warm conditions.  I live up north so it's been cold.  He's also blanketed.

Hi Lisa

It sounds like his diet and teeth.  Ask a fully qualified EDT (dentist) to check his teeth every 6 months.  I would introduce Build Up Cubes, very gradually, they are fantastic for putting weight on, about 1/2 a scoop in each feed, slowly building up to 1 scoop in each feed, and also 1/2 scoop of Pasture Nuts and 1 wet scoop of wet sugar beet.  soak all this including the sugar beet with 2 pints of water and leave to stand for 6 hours.  with what you have said about finding grain, it maybe that he has very little chew ability, so by making his feed in this way, you are chewing it for him.  If it swallowed whole, the stomach is unable to take everything it needs from the feed.  All the products are made by Dodson and Horrell.

Your dentist can confirm this when he/she calls out.  There are more ideas etc on our website

I hope this helps
