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gentleing a mini mare

21 9:55:14

i boubht her a week ago shes very small and about a year and half old. but she wont let me close i have another that was tame when i bought her how can i tame this one down i tried food the vet even had trouble give her shots. i would like her to trust me thanks pam

Dear Pam,
        Sit with the mare in a round pen or small area so she can see you but also get away from you if she feels threatened. Sit there and talk to her for at least an hour every day. Talk about anything as long as she hears your voice. IT will take a long time. It took me 6 months to gentle a stallion that we rescued from abusive owners. Forcing her to do something will make her more frightened. Take it slow and easy, she will come around eventually.
Time and patience.