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sympathetic dystonia

21 9:34:55

Thank you so much for your advice in response to my cry for help. If you are interested, I could attach the chapter of a vetinary book that was emailed to me in support of the diagnosis and treatment. I would be interested to know your opinion as a specialist in neurological conditions in horses whether the 'neurophysiological basis' of this diagnosis and treatment stands up to accepted concepts of the nervous system in horses. Thanks to you, I will be getting a second opinion which may cost, but I think a beautiful young horse with potential like this must be helped.


Im glad you are seeking another opinion. As a specialist, Ive read pretty much every equine neurology and internal medicine text that exists and I cannot say Ive ever seen this cited, nor have I ever heard any equine internists or neurology experts ever mention any such a condition. Id love to see the source of this. I remain highly skeptical of this and i still feel there are numerous other more likely conditions that have not been adequately ruled out. Please forward this chapter as soon as you can.