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21 10:00:41

Hi, i ride in barrels and in poles i ride a old race horse about 10 he throughs his head when i turn the barrels and i have tried every thing including tie down and easy bits and hackamore is what i run in how do i get him to quiet throughing his head  

Hi Brooke,
Try useing a snaffle. It is a good for direct control. Here is a list to help you decide on another bit if the snaffle dosnt work for your horse.

Twisted wire mouthpiece: good for horses that are heavy in the bridle. Remember, the thinner the diameter of the mouthpiece, the more severe.

Longer Shanks: for more whoa

Short Shanks: for more lateral work

Chain mouthpiece: shoulder control, rating, and help in the turn

Noseband: comes in rope, wire or chain.

Curb Chain: for rate

Solid mouthpiece: for horses with too much bend.

Hope this helps