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jazz follow up

21 9:28:59

The site won't permit another follow-up so I'm starting a new thread.
I wanted to let you know that Jazz is doing great!  We stayed on the low sugar diet for a week and then one morning, we found him in his stall, sweating like crazy under his belly and all around each shoulder joint.  He was walking just fine and seemed happy.  No troubles since!  So, what was it?  Nobody around here knows.  Maybe you have heard of or seen this before?  We have kept him on the same diet but added back some of his grain so that he gets his vitamins and minerals (as well as his selenium salt block which he likes).  He's not losing wait and we have even started lunging and riding a bit.  He's great!  Wonderful ending to that saga, and thanks so much for your help, encouragement and input.  I have left feedback.  Thanks very much for participating in this helpful site.  Jeff

Thanks so much for the update Jeff!  I am so excited to hear that Jazz is doing so much better :)  The sweating episode is puzzling indeed ... I guess it's possible that Jazz's system simply flushed out some impurities but I have never heard of this in horses.  I've heard of people breaking a fever this way but I don't have a good answer for this one!

It sounds like you have really been blessed Jeff and I'm excited for both you and Jazz :)

It was great to hear from you!