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skin care

21 9:40:05


We just purchased a palimino paint filly on Monday. She has some rough spots on her buttocks and neck area. They seem to be on the hair and not in the skin..but they feel lumpy and look almost like a baby w/ craddle cap. It is pink looking closer to the skin. But seems to be flaky. Do you have any idea what this could be and how to treat it? She absolutely hates for us to try to brush her and we are afraid it is too cool to bathe her. I will attach a picture of her.

this is probably rain rot- a skin infection resulting from being too wet for too long. It is caused by a sepcific bacteria. If you just keep the horse dry and curry the coat regularly- even though she hates it- it will go away and give way to normal healthy hair. In very severe cases, a course of anitbiotics can be necessary to move the process along. Otherwise the key is regular currying and grooming in conjunction with keeping the coat clean and dry. this should be an easy fix. good luck.