Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > mounting


21 10:08:00

hi i just got a 13 year old mare a little more than a week ago. My sister and me are the ones who ride. My problem is that when my sister mounts Jessi(our horse) she never moves much, but when i mount she always dances around and it is  hard to mount by myself. I try not to kick her but she still moves. Can you give me some pointers.               Signed,


Sorry I have not answered sooner; I have had some stuff I have had to take care of which is delaying my responses. When mounting up on your horse, try to land as softly as you can on your horse.This will keep her from feeling uncomfortable. Also, when mounting, shorten your reins so you can stop her if she begins to move off. If she continues this behavopr, check for a medical problem, ask your sister what you could do differently, or simply have someone there to hold her for you when you get on. This will at least prevent her from winning the argument. I hope these suggestions helped. If you have further inquiries, please do not hesitate to post another question,
Thank you