Pet Information > ASK Experts > Horses > Horses > LOPING


21 9:52:25

How do come about acheiving a good lope. Is their excersices that you can do to make your horse lope not slower but move slower have a slower candence and still look like he's moving naturally. What type of equitment would you suggest for this?

Take a wooden pole and put it somewhere across the path that you you and your horse lope over. Lope over the pole till your horse is loping over it without hitting it. As your doing this, do an excercise called giving. What you do is rotate your arms forward and back on opposite diagnals till your horse bows his head. When he does, give him his head back. (loosen the reins) This will help him become slower and more natural looking. It will also help him pay better attention to you. Good luck. Let me know how it goes. Taylor