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How Many Horses?

21 9:44:47

I'm afraid I have five questions:
1) How many horses live in London, UK
2) Of these, how many are in 'the square mile' (the city)
3) How many horses are there in London at any given time, including those which do not live there (commuter horses)
4) The average distance you are from a horse at any time (like the statistic you are never more than 5m away from a rat in London)
5) Figures for the rest of the UK would be helpful too for comparison.

ahhh, im a trainer not a statistics reporter but i imagine there are
1. alot of horses are in london
2. as many as you can see in a squar mile
3. how ever many do not live in london
4. how ever far away it is thats the distance.
5. more horses than in london.

if you would like a real answer call somone in london but i doubt they would even know. have a nice day
amanda groff