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western questions

21 9:52:07

are there western races? if so, how are they different then other races? what are there entry fees, lengths and purses like? what are the events at a rodeo?(like barrel racing, bull riding, jumping...) and what wuold prizes/enty fees be if they had prizes/enty fees?
i think that they wuold vary alot, but im very intrested and a general answer would be very helpful. and if you can answer what kind of money are you using, canada dollars, USA dollars...? thanks^-^

Dear Natalie:
There is no official parallel to traditional Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse or Arabian racing using Western tack. Speed is not what the stock saddle was developed for.
I cannot respond to questions pertaining to rodeo as I do not support rodeo any information I could pass along would be biased and negative. I could suggest that you contact the American Pro Rodeo Association.
I am not sure how your question regarding currency connects to your earlier questions- but since I reside in Canada- we use Canadian currency.
S. Evans